Saturday, December 23, 2006

Dios Ha Sido Bueno

This Christmas season has given us a chance to do a lot of reflecting & if we have learned one thing, it's that God has been good. He's been faithful. He's blessed us beyond imagination. And He's only just begun . . .

Sometimes, especially during this time of year when we are used to being with family (& also now that we have a new baby nephew), we begin to long for "home." We are tempted to wonder why we are here & if we might be better off back in Ohio . . . and then we start to think about our journey thus far. And it hits us that, wow, God has guided and provided so much in our lives. He has been so good, what reason do we have not to trust Him??

Its an amazing feeling to look back on the last year and see God's goodness in action. To begin with, God has given us this unique opportunity to serve His people in Costa Rica. Leaving in September, we were not entirely sure what life would look like here. And while it has of course been a transition, we can now see the many blessings that He has poured out on us . . . He has kept us safe and healthy. He has given us brothers and sisters in Christ who have encouraged us and kept us laughing. He granted us an enriching experience at the Spanish Language Institute. He helped us adjust to a new town & community. He blessed us with a home and even a car to help us get around. He led us to some fulfilling assignments at LPDV and gave us a vision for next year. He has blessed us with a vibrant church to attend. He has given us ways to stay in touch with our families (and within those families, a love that knows no borders). Through all of it, His hand has been on us.

For this reason, we trust that God will continue to be faithful in our lives as we strive to serve him here in Costa Rica. We're so excited to see where next year leads us!!!

Thanks so much to everyone for your prayers, encouragement, & support. May God richly bless you this Christmas and also give you a chance to reflect on His goodness.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Prov 3:5-6


Anonymous said...

Refreshing to see such a good attitude!

All the best to both of you.

(Don't wrack your brain for a memory of me - I randomly stumbled onto your blog, but much love to you anyway!)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
I sent you an email today so hopefully you get it! Have a great Christmas and New Year's! We all miss you and your in all of our prayers.

Laura said...

hola, mis amigos... que bueno que Dios les ha dado muchas bendiciones. he disfrutado leer de sus aventuras y todo... saben uds que yo tambien asisti a ILE cuando estudie en Costa Rica? que mundo pequeno, no? cuales profesores tuvieron? (yo- hilda, yolanda, y ana)bueno, si no saben todavia, soy Laura Wenger, de Malone...buena suerte en todo lo que hacen y que Dios les acompana en cada paso!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's just the lighting in the Christmas pic or if it's real, but compare that to the profile picture and you both look really really tan. Is Costa Rica on the pole where the sun never sets this time of year or is it on the other one?

Anonymous said...

Amen to the Proverbs verses about trusting in the Lord! Praying for you often and rejoicing in all the Lord is providing for you, I ask the Lord to continue to protect you and to encourage you. Being away from family is a reality in my life. I too am thankful for my Christian brothers and sisters.
Love & prayers,
Sheila Slaughter from Cuyahoga Falls,OH