Monday, September 04, 2006

3 weeks away!!

Hello again! Well, so now that Bryan has discovered the wonderful world of blogging (check it out - you can use the new link on this page), he has been severely showing me up in the frequency category. So here is my attempt to update you all, to let you know how we are coming along!

Yes, it's true, we only have 3 weeks until we will be in Miami, getting ready to leave for Costa Rica on the 27th. Our plane tickets are booked and we are now running all over the place trying to get things set. We're making our lists, and checking them 20 times. It seems like every day something new pops up. Right now we are just trying to make sure that our first month of language school is set, and that we will have all of the important things that we need. Being the procrastinator that I am, it's really hard for me to think about packing right now, but I know that I need to get things done because the time that we have here is just going to fly.

Other than getting ready to leave, Bryan's played a few shows, I've been on the loooooong road of wisdom teeth recovery, we've been babysitting our nephew Jeremiah (now that we're "unemployed"), and honestly, I don't even know what else we've been doing!!! We've been plenty busy though, and ask that you continue to pray for us.

Here are a couple of prayer points:
- That we would be aware of all of the things that we need to take care of before leaving.
- That we will be fully supported by the time we leave (we are really close!).
- That Bryan has a happy birthday (26 on the 6th)!
- That I would fully recover from the wisdom teeth/throat pain ASAP.
- That all remaining tests and health insurance will work out.
- That God would prepare us for Costa Rica & Costa Rica for us!! :)

Thanks & Have a Blessed Week!!!

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