Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stopping by to say hi . . .

Hi everyone! I'm too lazy right now to email all of our groups, so I hope you continue checking this blog and Bryan's for updates . . .

Let's see, where to begin??

We can start with our host family. It has been nice getting to know them and talk with them. Like Bryan said, we are living with a nice woman and her daughter of 17 yrs. They are Christians and very very faithful. They have taken us around San Jose and have been willing to help us out however they can. They have also continued to feed us WAY more food than we (I) need, which is nice, but can get to be overwhelming after a while. I think I've finally communicated that I don't need as much as Bryan!

We live about 5-10 minutes from the school. It's nice to walk around. We've also managed to make it to a few stores, this internet cafe, a mall, and other places. The neighborhood is very close to downtown, but kind of suburban (though not like the suburbs you would think of in the US, still very busy).

We started language school on Monday. I was happy to make it into the same level as Bryan, as he has been teaching and knows more than me. We are alone in our grammar class, which is nice, but also intense. We are in a conversation class with another man named Rob, who is here with his wife. They took us out tonight for coffee. I guess you could consider them like parents because of the age difference, but we always seem to identify with people older than us. Anyways, the classes are what they are called - "intensive." Our conversation teacher has already given us way more assignments than I needed to know we were going to be doing. However, I think it is going to be a good experience for us. I am just mentally exhausted when we get out at 3:15. Bryan however, gets excited about the assignments - he may be just a little bit too much of an overachiever for me!! haha

I'm not sure what else to say, since we really haven't been here for too long yet. Please please continue to pray for us (thanks for the prayers thus far) - we are still missing home and family quite a bit, we've had bouts with cockroaches that we're not too thrilled about, and I have been getting very tired by the end of the day (which by the way is at like 5:30 when the sun sets here!! it also rises around 5:30 am . . .weird, i know). Please also pray for our safety, while out walking or on buses, and also while at home. We know that God has called us to this place, and want to fulfill that call with joyful hearts. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement through email, blog comments, and prayer, please keep it coming!! We love you much . . .goodnight!

ps - I was able to watch Monday Night Football to see the Eagles beat the Packers, so that was nice. I didn't think that would happen (capacity to watch real football in CR, not the fact that the Eagles won!)


Anonymous said...

I think it came down to Philadelphia having cheese steak and Green Bay just having cheese. McNabb has all that protein and Favre's just really constipated.

Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll....I have a story for you, Robin.....hopefully we can catch each other online soon...it's a great story...just shows how small this world really is....and I also had a dream about you......weird.....I'm praying for ya'll....Eat some "chiky" cookies for me...they are the BEST!!!!!!! I miss ya'll......but I know God is using ya in Costa Rica!